5 Creepy True Paranormal Stories

Disclaimer – The following presentation features accounts of real paranormal events and experiences. Discretion is advised.

Girl Levitating in Russian Woodland

A man was walking his dog in Russia and, like many, he was filming his personal adventures and experiences with, and for, his loved ones.

Man and dog excitedly followed and played along the tail, apparently on their own in the middle of the day.

Occasionally, the mans dog would look back, for reassurance from his friend and master, still filming. It is clear they are very close, and that the dog was obedient to his masters command.

Out of the blue, the dog began to act strangely, whining and yelping quietly, the way they do, when they are trying to talk to us, or let us know something is occurring.

The dog suddenly darts off camera and the man calls after his friend as he runs away, growling at something unseen to the man.

Catching up with his fog, the camera pans up, zooms in, and comes into focus, to show the dog looking upwards.

A woman stood in front of a little girl, levitating 7 foot off the ground. She floated silently until the mans dog barked at them.

In a panic, the girl landed on the floor, in front of the woman, took her hands and bolted deeper into the Russian woods, never to be seen or heard from again.

You Don’t Gnome Me

Three short stories about what is believed to be kulpa, or thought-forms made flesh, due to being common beliefs, that have been willed into existence.

I have seen the videos myself, they are available online and I have to admit, they are creepy.

Gnomes, elves and goblins are thought to be just imaginary but these videos displayed footage, of what seemed to look like tiny, humanoid creatures, captured on cameras, in urban environments.

The first one I saw featured a humanoid creature, about a foot tall (30 cm), running across someones kitchen. The residents scream upon realising this little man was a physical creature.

Another comes from a farmer who noticed things going missing in his house.

He heard the sound of objects being moved at night and upon inspection he caught a small creature, like a thin, nude human, sneaking chickens out of their coop.

On another occasion, he nearly caught it raiding his kitchen, in the middle of the night. The old farmer swung his walking stick and nearly whacked the entity, telling it to take the chickens and give his things back, or he’d ‘beat him up’ (in harsher, Italian terms).
The next day, in a hole inside the wall of the chicken coop, the elderly farmer found all of his missing objects.

He said it was thin and pale, with long arms and legs, a pot belly, and a large head and eyes. He described it as wearing a small, grubby apron, as having long hands and feet and hardly any hair.

The third and final possible gnome experience, looked more like the typical house-elf that you can imagine (Dobby-esque), a traffic camera in England watched a street, outside a row of residential homes.

A shadow appears in the lower left corner and what looks like a person, walking confidently, bobbing along the road.
As this ‘person’ came into view, what looked like a naked elf, in a little loincloth, half lurched and skipped across the path next to a car.

It took a few longer strides, in a way that looks completely unnatural for a person and its proportions, nor clothing, indicated that it was a person walking the streets late at night.

What makes it more eerie, is when it walks its long, pointed, bat-wing like ears bounced and when turning to the side, it can be clearly seen to have a long, pointed nose and large eyes

This creature stood about 3 feet tall and half walked, half skipped out of view a few seconds later, crossing the road and out of sight.

Shape-shifting Entity Spotted on Security Tape

There are many tales of shape-shifting entities and I have to admit, they don’t sound like the most believable thing, that is, until you see one with your own eyes.

That is exactly what a security guard, of a private housing estate, in Thailand did, late one night. He already knew about the local legends of the Aswang, everyone he knew grew up with the stories.

Watching the security camera, poised on the electronically sealed gate, a dark cloud of smoke comes into view, stopping about half way along the front of the gate.

Without the gate opening, or moving in anyway, this dark mist floated without effort through the thick, steel bars and began to change shape.

The security guard sat in silent horror watching as this dark, misty cloud, transformed into the shape of a male human being, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.

It’s arms and face long and not very human-looking, more like that of a wiry and pale vampire, with a blank expression and small eyes.
Within a few more steps it made it’s way off camera, the guard asking in Thai, what he had just witnessed.

Having seen this video, I can confirm it is very creepy to see this occur, I would recommend you search for the video, available online.

Grass plays the radio?

There are many towns and cities, around the world, that have been left to return to nature, or the best version of nature, it can return to, after a nuclear disaster, or radioactive fallout, have decimated an area.

It should come as no surprise that the biggest land area, in Russia, is home to a few such towns and cities, which has had its fair share of both, nuclear disasters and falling victim to radioactive fallout.

Years down the road, many thrill-seeking adventurers, have noticed a spooky side effect with the plants and materials left behind, a common phenomenon has been witnessed, and caught on film.

Upon pressing organic materials, such as grasses, flowers, leaves and stems of plants, against metal, something very peculiar has been reported, and recorded happening.

You can easily find this video too and maybe you know more about it then I do, but pressing these things against metal, where these events have taken place has started people not only with vibrations, intense electrical currents (in places where power has been out for decades!), burning foliage and playing the radio.

I kid you not, these organic materials, burn and vibrate with such force, it is believed to be the first visual representations of actual sound.

There have been multiple recordings, picking up songs, adverts and radio broadcasts, that are naturally in the air, from around the world.

The same experience is seen and felt by the people taking part, you can hear the radio playing, though it sounds a little out of tune and not very loud, but you can also see smoke from the heat, light and vibrations made when they are pressed against these metal objects.

Nobody can really confirm what it is, as far as I can tell but I think it looks very intriguing, though I wouldn’t want to partake in filming of them myself, it would be fun to experiment with locations and materials.

Deep Sea Monster Washes Up

In places around the world, most notably, Montauk, in North America, South America and the Far-East, creatures have been washing up on sure that are so bizarre, they still haven’t been identified, despite being first spotted, years ago.

It was dubbed the Montauk Monster, after receiving the most attention in Montauk, from where it’s name is derived.

It washed up dead in the early hours of the morning and found when day broke over the horizon, by local residents, walking, jogging and taking their dogs out to do their morning business.

About the size of a sheep, but with long white fur (though some are found without fur, and instead show a pinkish-red flesh, this creature is thought to be aquatic in nature, but without any obvious gills.

Instead of a nose, it has a heart shaped hole in the front of its face, at the end of a short snout.

Four, short, stubby legs hold up it’s body underwater and it gives off a pungent odour of fish, which suits its greenish-grey tinged body.

What makes this story interesting is that not only are they an undiscovered species, but there is no other DNA profile that scientists have, to even compare it to.

Another note, every time one of these creatures have been spotted, they are always dead and always rushed away by military grade scientists, never to be seen or heard from again.

Is this really a deep sea species?

It is hard to judge from pictures, but what makes me think about this a bit deeper, is that they have no idea of any species it could even be like and that all bodies found have been taken and hidden away.

What is it they aren’t ready to tell us about this creature?

I will leave that to your imagination.

Have you ever had a paranormal or supernatural experience? Feel free to share it with me, I have had a few myself – my abilities have granted me the opportunity of having many, but that’s for another time.

Contact Dan –

for enquiries at mavesplacedan@gmail.com

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Published by mavesplacekev

Psychic true crime and mystery investigator with years of experience working in the field, with cold cases too. For many years, I have also worked with those who have experienced, or have experienced myself, paranormal, supernatural and spiritual experiences and entities. The posts on this site are all related to what I have personally researched and further looked into psychically. I am aware this site contains shocking images and text so viewer discretion is advised.

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